Top 10k strings from Gyron - Intro (1985)(Firebird Software)[a].z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /

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   1 the red passage
   1 instruct  
   1 and how the ball is also shown.%
   1 and a Ball is
   1 Though this tower   and ball are off thetop of the Radar Map - out of its range.%
   1 This is your 'lives'indicator, showing  the status of your  Hedroid.%O
   1 This is what you seethrough the window  of your hedroid.%
   1 This is what it
   1 This clock is
   1 These are towers.%
   1 These are the
   1 These are Balls.%J
   1 The towers sit on   the walls on either side of the trenches%
   1 Now we shall explain some of thetechniques that you might need  to guide your Hedroid to the    heart of the Gyron Arena.%First the basics:
   1 First of all we
   1 BThis shows a HedroidIts colour changes  from one zone to    another.%|
   1 : Each ball has its own path
   1 3Towers are indicatedon the Radar Map by these yellow symbols...%
   1 3See how the tower   through the window  is shown on the
   1 1This is the Radar   Map. It shows the   position of your    Hedroid from above.%
   1 0 They either fire along the
   1 / There are balls...%
   1 ( You will notice that the towers point in one of four directions.%Your Hedroid, shown above,
   1 #you can see that    here, there is no   turning  on your    left, but...%,
   1 #on your right there is a passage, since the indicator lies  on the red band.%
   1 #here you are in the middle of the trenchand...%
   1 #here you are againstthe left-hand wall.%@
   1 #This indicator showsyour position on thefloor of the trench,so that...%
   1 #These represent the position of your    hedroid relative    to...%
   1 #And you can turn thecorner if you move  your Hedroid to the right.%
   1 "instruct"
   1  which it follows relentlessly...%...and these paths may be of    some complexity.%Towers fire a deadly energy
   1  weapon in the direction in whichthey are facing.
   1  trenches along whichthe balls and your  Hedroid travel.%
   1  tower's energy weapon cannot    reach you because of the ball.%Towers themselves are vulnerableto laser fire, since their backsare unarmoured.
   1  the qualifiers who solved Gyron Necropolis, and was intended to test their knowledge and skill  and thus to determine the
   1  synchronised with   the movement of the balls.%
   1  so that...%
   1  shall explain the   instruments on your control panel...%D
   1  ponderously along the trenches  each more than a hundred times  larger than your Hedroid.%As you can see, as they move    towards you along a trench, theyleave no gap large enough for   you to squeeze your Hedroid past%Unlike towers, you cannot in anyway affect a ball with your
   1  other sink into the trench.%
   1  obviously you could neither killthe two facing towers nor pass  between them...%In a simple case, this would be all there was to it. a more complex case, the  tower that you had killed would cause a pair of facing towers tospring-up to block the path to Band allow movement to the left  by turning one of the blocking  towers away, and making the
   1  looks like when the Hedroid is badly    damaged.%
   1  length of a trench, or across   from one side to the other.%Either way, if you are caught intheir zone of fire (shown in redabove) you are as good as dead.%Fortunately there are several   ways in which you can get past  them.
   1  killing one may cause others to spring-up, swivel round or sink into the trench.%If you were trying to drive yourHedroid from A to B, you would  first have to kill the tower    covering the route, since
   1  indicators,
   1  indicated by this   yellow symbol.%V
   1  hovers in the trench and may    travel forwards, right or left  and may, if slowed to a halt,   turn around.  It is armed with alaser beam weapon.%The massive balls roll
   1  covers the other's blind-spot,  thus making it impossible for   your Hedroid to pass between    them.%Another way to get past a tower is to use a ball as cover, for  tower-fire will not hit your    Hedroid if there is a ball
   1  between you and the tower.%Above you can see that the
   1  along one of the white arrows   into the narrow red blind-spot.%However, if two towers face eachother across a trench, each
   1  The white arrows above indicate a narrow strip running against  the wall beneath the tower whereit has a blind spot. is possible to pass the   tower shown above by moving
   1  Radar Map...%m
   1  BE WARNED! Shooting one tower   may affect others, so that
   1   Torus Ltd 1985%The Arena maze was designed for a play-off between the
   1   ...and there are towers.